Diane Kemker
Visiting Professor of Law
Professor Kemker is a Visiting Professor of Law (Remote) at the Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She teaches from her home in Los Angeles, California. Prior to joining the SULC faculty, Professor Kemker has taught at ABA-accredited law schools in California, Florida, New York, and Texas, including both HBCU and HSI law schools. She clerked for the Hon. Lourdes G. Baird, United States Federal District Court for the Central District of California. Professor Kemker graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College and was a Mellon Fellow in the Humanities at the University of California, Berkeley prior to attending law school. She attended Harvard Law School and earned her J.D. magna cum laude and Order of the Coif at the UCLA School of Law. She was awarded an LL.M. (taxation) summa cum laude from the University of San Francisco School of Law.
Her work has frequently been cited by state and federal appellate courts and in leading practice journals.
Courses taught: Basic Civil Procedure; Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure; Law and Society; Tax Clinic; Prelaw Torts and BCP.
Books (in progress)
ESTATE PLANNING FOR THE LGBT CLIENT AND BENEFICIARY (under contract with American Bar Association Real Property, Trust & Estate Section)
YOUR IMPAIRED PARENT (in early research/writing phase; book will address both legal and extra-legal dimensions of planning for a cognitively-impaired parent, including incapacity documents, financial planning, management of medical decisions)
JEWS, ANTISEMITISM, AND AMERICAN LAW (with Prof. Robert Katz, IU McKinney School of Law, and David Schraub, Lewis & Clark Law School) (casebook) (preliminary research supported by grant from Academic Engagement Network)
The Lawyers of Trump-Russia (adult coloring book) (March 2019) (co-authored with Andrew McHale and Alex Mannos)
Reviewed by Karen Sloan, “Get Out Your Crayons - It’s Mueller Time,” https://www.law.com/2019/04/04/get-out-your-crayons-its-mueller-time/
Articles, Books Chapters, and Book Reviews
Book review of Dirty Knowledge: Academic Freedom in the Age of Neoliberalism, by Julia Schleck, Academe (forthcoming)
Inaugural Law vs. Antisemitism Conference: Introduction, 11 Indiana Journal of Law & Social Equality (Symposium Issue) __ (2022) (forthcoming)
Teaching Critical Tax: What, Why, and How, 19 Pittsburgh Tax Review 143 (Spring 2022) (selected from competitive Call for Papers)
Commentary, Taylor v. Canterbury, FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: REWRITTEN PROPERTY OPINIONS (Cambridge University Press: 2021) (book chapter)
California (2020 Tax Year Update), Military State Tax Guide (2021 edition), ABA Tax Section Military VITA Pro Bono Project (April 15, 2021)
Their Slavery Was Her Freedom: Racism and the Beginning of the End of Coverture, 59 Duquesne Law Review 106 (Winter 2021)
Co-Living Assessed in a Time of COVID-19: Critical Intervention or Millennial Fad?, 14 University of St. Thomas (MN) Journal of Law and Public Policy 155 (2020) (selected from competitive Call for Papers)
Emancipation Un-Locke’d: Partus Sequitur Ventrem, Self-Ownership, and “No Middle State” in Maria v. Surbaugh, 20 Md. L. Jnl. Race, Religion, Gender and Class 73 (Spring 2020)
Knocking on Heaven’s Door: Closing the Racial Estate-Planning Gap by Ending the Ban on Live Person-To-Person Solicitation, 44 Journal of the Legal Profession 3 (2020)
U.S. v. Davis and Prof. Cain’s Rewritten Opinion: An Intersectional Argument for Capping Section 1041, 16 Pittsburgh Tax Review 142 (2019)
A Friendship Model of Sex, Polyamory, and Plural Marriage, in BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE (2016) (Ronald C. Den Otter, ed.)
How To Do Things With Wills, 32 Whittier Law Review 455 (2011) (law review article) (length: 59 pages)
Plural Marriage and Community Property Law, 41 Golden Gate University Law Review 33 (2010)
Go West, Disappointed Heir: Tortious Interference With Expectation of Inheritance – A Survey With Analysis of State Approaches in the Pacific States, 13 Lewis & Clark Law Review 209 (Spring 2009)
River Deep, Mountain High, Heir Disappointed: Tortious Interference With Expectation of Inheritance – A Survey With Analysis of State Approaches in the Mountain States, 45 Idaho Law Review 1 (2008)
Naming and Framing the ‘Subject’ of Antebellum Slave Contracts: Introducing Julia, Eliza, ‘A Certain Negro Slave,’ ‘A Man,’ Joseph, and Albert, 9 Rutgers Race & The Law Review 243 (2008)
Housingdiscrimination.com? The Ninth Circuit (Mostly) Puts Out The Welcome Mat for Fair Housing Act Suits Against Roommate-Matching Websites, 38 Golden Gate University Law Review 329 (2008) (with Charles Doskow)
Latino Masculinities Under the Microscope: Stereotyping and Counterstereotyping on Five Seasons of CSI: Miami, 3 FIU Law Review 395 (2008)
A Complete Index to the Journal of Juvenile Law Prior to Its Inclusion on Westlaw (Vol. 1-16) (1977-1995) (with the staff of the University of La Verne Law Review), 29 U. La Verne L. Rev.271 (2008)
Author and Subject Index to the San Fernando Valley Law Review (also Published as University of San Fernando Valley Law Review) and the Journal of Legal Advocacy & Practice (with the staff of the University of La Verne Law Review), 29 U. La Verne L. Rev. 311 (2008)
African Kids: Between Warlords, Child Soldiers, and Living on the Street (2004), Melha Rout Biel, 29 U. La Verne L. Rev. 167 (2008)
Paying Eliza: Comity, Contracts, and Critical Race Theory – 19th Century Choice of Law Doctrine and the Validation of Antebellum Contracts for the Purchase and Sale of Human Beings, 20 National Black Law Journal 1
A Disappointed Yankee in Connecticut (or Nearby) Probate Court: Tortious Interference With Expectation of Inheritance – A Survey With Analysis of State Approaches in the First, Second, and Third Circuits, 66 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 235 (Winter 2004)
The Disappointed Heir’s Revenge, Southern Style: Tortious Interference With Expectation of Inheritance – A Survey With Analysis of State Approaches in the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits, 55 Baylor Law Review 79 (Winter 2003)
Revenge of the Disappointed Heir: Tortious Interference With Expectation of Inheritance – A Survey With Analysis of State Approaches in the Fourth Circuit, 104 West Virginia Law Review 259 (Winter 2002)
Ally McBeal and Her Sisters: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Representations of Women Lawyers on Prime Time Television, 18 Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Journal 259 (1998)
These three articles below were published as a law student.
Pregnancy Discrimination in Show Business: Tylo v. Spelling Entertainment Group, 4 UCLA Entertainment Law Review 219 (1997) (law review article)
Distorted Reasoning: Gender, Risk-Aversion, and Negligence Law, 30 Suffolk University Law Review 629 (1997) (law review article)
Moral Accountability and the Estate Tax Lawyer, 6 Professional Ethics 27 (1997)