Print Collateral
- If your request falls outside the standard production timeline as noted above, we cannot ensure that we will be able to meet the requested in-hand deadline.
- Depending on the projects printing needs, additional time may need to be added to the production time.
Photos must be submitted by deadline date as presented in production timeline. The design phase of the project will not begin until this is received.
- The Office of Communications will not accept:
- Photos pulled from the Internet; this is copyright infringement without the consent of the original host and copyright owner.
- Photos, prior to submission, must be approved for use by the copyright owner or they will not be included in the design.
- It is the requesting department's responsibility to obtain permission.
- Photos must be submitted in high resolution files
The creative team may provide a Southern University Law Center sub-brand upon approval of the request by Office of Communications and External Affairs, specific usage policies apply and are provided upon delivery of the sub-brand files.
- Sub-brands are only created for major departments/units at SU Law Center.
- If an outside party requests the Law Center logo, submit the official Southern University Law Center Logo. The SU Law Center brand and sub-brands may not be sent to outside parties for their use.
- Student Organizations may only use their sub-brands on student social media, and materials for events pre-approved.
For all projects, there will be one (1) draft round for edits and (1) draft review for final approval. This policy ensures the meeting of deadlines and delivery of the final product on time.
- The Unit’s chosen Project Manager is the liaison with the Office of Communications for the editing process. The edits must be submitted by the project manager to eliminate conflicting revisions
- Project managers must be sure all necessary persons/parties review each proof before sending in edits to the Office of Communications.
- Compile all edits into the provided PDF proof or in a single detailed email
- Proofreading and accuracy is the responsibility of the requesting department
- Delays in edit submissions, as well as proof rounds in excess of the two (2) noted above may push back the delivery of the final product and the in-hand deadline.
- Delays in final approval may also push back deadlines.
- It is the requesting organization’s responsibility to submit content that is completely accurate.
- The Office of Communications is not responsible for conducting research to ensure the accuracy of text or other information provided.
Posters are only made for major law school events that are open to the entire law school community and/or the public, such as major symposia or conferences, and events such as Wellness Week, etc. No program announcements or application notices will be allowed.