Web, Digital Communications and Multimedia
SU Law Center understands that its website is often its first introduction to the public and specifically to prospective students. Information on our website must be up-to-date and relevant to our mission. Digital communications and e-newsletter content is based on the accuracy of the content submitted to the SULCEA.
Homepage – www.sulc.edu
PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Prospective Students, Faculty, Current Students, Alumni, Donors, SULC Community, Academics, Legal Community
Items for homepage posting are selected based on their relevance to the law school’s mission or promotion strategy, the significance of the event or publication, and/or level of detail. All items are edited for style and length at the discretion of the Director of External Affairs.
Faculty News – this includes published articles, presentations and awards, speaking engagements, media, highlighted scholarship, court citations, or other items sent to External Affairs. These items will be reviewed by Director of External Affairs for posting on homepage.
Linking to Outside Article or Reprint Permissions -Under the rights of Fair Use, a headline linking to an outside news story that can be found on the web plus ONE paragraph, at the most, of text from the article can be posted without express permission of the publication. Any links to .pdf require written permission of the publisher (not just the reporter or editor). All permission for web or print once obtained must be forwarded to Communications@sulc.edu.
Rotating Images – Law school events requiring registration, co-sponsored events, recently published books (Posted once weekly or as determined by scheduled event marketing timeline).
News – Media updates or general news (Posted once weekly).
Events – Events are posted 1-3 weeks in advance and are chosen based on importance and if the event has a web page for linking.
SEND ALL REQUESTS TO: Communications@sulc.edu
Interior Web pages
To update an existing interior web page, contact Communications@sulc.edu. General turnaround time is one week depending on the number of changes.
To update faculty bio pages, send CV or other information to Communications@sulc.edu.
To create a new web page or to make substantial changes to existing pages, a Project Manager from the requesting department must contact Communications@sulc.edu to schedule a meeting to discuss the project including objectives, scope, strategy, content and project schedule.
SEND ALL REQUESTS TO: Communications@sulc.edu
Digital Communications
All e-Comms must have a designated Unit Project Manager.
Digital marketing materials for upcoming academic conferences, symposia, and/or other celebratory events planned and approved via the Master Calendar or by the Vice Chancellor, will require a Project Manager designated by the unit.
CONTENT AND SUBSTANCE: Unit driven with final approval of Director of External Affairs
COPY DEADLINE: 10 business days before agreed upon email delivery date.
PROJECT MANAGER: Must provide Director of External Affairs with copy that is final along with any (preferably high-resolution) photos and/or graphics required.
For projects, there will be one (1) draft round for edits and (1) draft review for final approvals. This policy ensures the meeting of deadlines and delivery of the final product on time.
The Unit’s chosen Project Manager is the liaison for the editing process
Edits must be submitted by the Project Manager to eliminate conflicting revisions
Project Managers must be sure all necessary persons/parties review each proof before sending in edits to the Director of External Affairs.
Compile all edits into a single detailed email.
Proofreading and accuracy is the responsibility of the requesting department
Delays in edit submissions, as well as proof rounds in excess of the rounds (2) noted above may push back the delivery of the final product and the in-hand deadline.
Delays in final approval also may push back deadlines.
The Office of Events and Conferences will coordinate for any and all marketing collateral needed if event related. For all other requests please contact: Communications@sulc.edu
Event Marketing
Marketing materials (invitations, posters, eVites, programs, promotional items) for events are subject to the event marketing timeline as defined in the initial meeting with Events Management Team.
The SULCEA department coordinates advertising and promotion for the law school through print and digital ad creation and placement, marketing copywriting and event promotion.
SENT ALL REQUESTS TO: Communications@sulc.edu