Chancellor's Council
The Chancellor’s Council is the leadership giving level to the Annual Fund that supports scholarships and bar prep.
Membership in the SULC Chancellor’s Council demonstrates your financial commitment to the success of SULC’s future leaders and colleagues at the following levels:
- Members who have graduated 10+ years, make an annual unrestricted contribution to the Law Center of $1,000 or more;
- Members who graduated less than 10 years, but more than 5 years can join for $750; and
- Members who graduated 5 years or less can join for $500 Annual gifts can be paid monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly.
Become a charter member by downloading the SULC Chancellor’s Council Pledge Form and mail to: Southern University Law Center, P. O. Box 9294, Baton Rouge, LA 70813.
The satisfaction of knowing you are making a meaningful financial difference in students’ lives. Your generosity is recognized in several ways:
- Your membership is highlighted on our Alumni website
- Your company information can be linked to your name
- We will display a banner of current members at student and alumni events throughout the year
- Receive two complementary seats to either the Distinguished Alumni Reception or the Hall of Fame Gala events held during SULC Annual Alumni and Friends Round Up each year
Donations can be made by check or credit card. Checks should be made payable to the Southern University Law Center (memo line - SULC Chancellor ’s Council) and mail to:
Southern University Law Center
Attention: Robbin Thomas
P. O. Box 9294
Baton Rouge, LA 70813