Student Organizations
SULC prides itself on offering a wide array of opportunities for students to get involved in the life of the school and further their professional career. The following lists some of the other student organizations at the law center.
Board of Student Advisors
The Board of Student Advisors, formally known as the Teaching Assistant Program, is an enhanced program that allows upperclassmen to enjoy a broader assortment of obligations than what was traditionally required of SULC teaching assistants.
The Clinical Education Program at the Southern University Law Center prepares students for the practice of law through a combination of real-world experience, intensive supervision, externships, and dynamic seminars.
Externships offer an opportunity for second-year and third-year students to earn academic credit while working in outside law offices, judicial chambers, and state agencies. Externships enable students to explore legal work in the Baton Rouge area and surrounding cities that may not otherwise be available through clinics or other courses.
The Journal strives for membership as diverse as its title, which is derived from an attempt to be as inclusive as possible of ideas in its subject matter while always embracing the background and interests of an ever-diversifying student body.
Law Review
The Southern University Law Review strives to be a leader in scholarship and research for lawyers, law students, judges, and scholars from across the state and the world.
Moot Court
The purpose of the Moot Court Board shall be to conduct and administer the Moot Court competitions of Southern University Law Center and manage the participation of its members in competitions abroad.
Order of Barristers
The Order of the Barristers is a national honorary organization that recognizes a select number of graduating seniors each year who have excelled in moot court, mock trial, brief writing, and other advocacy-related activities while attending law school.
Pro Bono
This Pro Bono program supplements the Law Center’s tradition of integrating classroom experiences with the real-world workplace. These services play a critical role in shaping professional values and creating an environment that instills a sense of moral responsibility in all students.
The Public Defender
The Public Defender is a student publication featuring articles on the latest Law Center and local Baton Rouge news, social justice issues, and trends in the fields of law study and practice.
Student Bar Association - SBA
The Student Bar Association (SBA), an affiliate of the American Law Student Association, is a self-governing organization that receives the full cooperation of the Law Center faculty. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs serves as the advisor to assist in coordinating the SBA activities.
Trial Advocacy Board
The Trial Advocacy Board was established at the Southern University Law Center to provide a select group of qualified students who desire to pursue litigation or advocacy-based careers, or who have general interest in enhancing and honing trial advocacy skills, with an opportunity and forum to gain additional experience and training in trial advocacy skills.
Other Organizations
Law Student Division, American Bar Association
Any law student attending an ABA-approved law center/school is entitled to become a member of the Law Student Division. The aims of the Division are: to further academic excellence through participation by law students in endeavors to formulate and revise legal education standards; to have law students join in efforts to resolve societal problems; to promote the development of leadership programs and activities; to create an awareness of professional responsibilities, and to encourage future lawyers to become involved in activities of the organized bar.
National Website:
Business & Entrepreneurship Leadership Association
The Southern University Law Center (SULC) Business Law Society (BLS) is a professional student organization encouraging participation by all members of the Law Center community. The organization provides a forum to exchange ideas for students interested in business law. It introduces members to practitioners in the field of business law and provides networking opportunities within the business community. SULC BLS advocates corporate social responsibility, ethical management practices, and community involvement. The organization will foster social interaction for students by sponsoring gatherings and recreational activities. It will coordinate events/lectures and work closely with SULC.
Business Law Society
The Southern University Law Center (SULC) Business Law Society (BLS) is a professional student organization encouraging participation of all members of the Law Center community. The organization provides a forum to exchange ideas for students interested in business law. It introduces members to practitioners in the field of business law and provides networking opportunities within the business community. SULC BLS advocates corporate social responsibility, ethical management practices, and community involvement. The organization will foster social interaction for students by sponsoring gatherings and recreational activities. It will coordinate events and lectures and work closely with SULC.
For additional information
Christians at Law Society
The stated purpose of this voluntary student organization is to provide spiritual guidance and support to its members by promoting understanding, unity, and scholarship.
For more information contact:
Criminal Law Society
The Criminal Law Society’s mission is to promote awareness of the various legal and practical avenues of the criminal justice system. The Criminal Law Society invites all students, regardless of an initial interest in pursuing a career in criminal law, to broaden horizons, and learn how criminal justice affects future lawyers.
Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity International
A. A. Lenoir Senate of Delta Theta Phi law fraternity was chartered in 1971. Delta Theta Phi is a professional organization dedicated to fostering the development and achievements of the legal profession. Its members include many distinguished persons in government, business, international affairs, the judiciary, and in the general practice of law.
Membership in Delta Theta Phi is open to all law students who possess the necessary character to work in support of the purposes of the fraternity. Awards are given each year to student members with demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.
National Website:
For additional information contact:
Evening Law Student Association
The purpose of the ELSA is to represent, promote and to further the professional, academic and social interest and concerns of evening students, evening alumni, and their families; and to increase the awareness, interaction, and integration of evening law students with all members of the SULC community and surrounding communities.
E-Mail address:
Environmental Law Society
The Environmental Law Society was organized in 1992 to provide Law Center students with information about environmental problems and solutions. The Society invites local, national, and global speakers to the Law Center and coordinates visits to sites of environmental interest. The Environmental Law Society promotes recycling at the Law Center and encourages participation in essay contests involving environmental issues.
Federalist Society
The Federalist Society was organized in 2007 to promote ideas first enunciated in the Federalist Papers.
National Website:
Gay Alliance for Legal Equality
The Gay Alliance for Legal Equality (GALE) is the first organization at Southern University Law Center centered around lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues in the legal community. GALE received its charter in the spring of 2010. GALE was organized to promote equality and diversity among the legal community and raise awareness of LGBT legal issues. GALE is a service organization aimed at aiding the LGBT community by volunteering and supporting diversity amongst the Southern University Law Center community. GALE strives to enlighten the surrounding LGBT community while fostering the student body’s interest in maintaining an open mind.
For More Information Contact:
Health Law Society
The purpose of the SULC Health Law Society (HLS) is to provide a forum which will help provide information and exposure of the many facets and opportunities the health sector has to offer to the student body. The HLS will help educate law students of the variety of job prospects and employment opportunities within the field of health law. Furthermore, the HLS will help bring awareness and keep the student body up to date on health issues facing today’s society.
Intellectual Property Law Association
The purpose of the IPLA is to provide a forum from which to gain an introduction into the field of Intellectual Property. Additionally, to explore careers and employment opportunities, develop academic and nonacademic organizations in the field of Intellectual Property and to promote holistic development of the membership and SULC community.
Email address:
International Law Student Association
The International Law Student Association’s mission is to provide individuals with an understanding of the global market that lawyers in practice are faced with in a technologically challenging environment.
E-Mail Adress
National Website
The Latino Law Student Association
The purposes of the Latino Law Student Association are to promote the general welfare of its members and to become an asset of the university as a whole and to assist in providing general and specific policies for the perfection of the overall function of the system. To promote programs for the improvement of the educational, social, and economic status of its members and the school. To provide an effective medium for the expression of students’ views to the National organization and the Student Bar Association (“SBA”). To maintain an effective liaison between members of the organization and the national organization and the SBA and to sponsor and maintain services and activities that are beneficial to the organization itself, the Law Center’s students, faculty, administration and its community.
For more information contact:
Louisiana Association for Justice
Louisiana Association for Justice (LaFJ) is a voluntary bar association whose statewide membership is composed mostly of lawyers who have a trial practice. Both defense and plaintiff attorneys belong to the association; however, most LaFJ members represent consumer plaintiffs in civil actions. LaFJ attorney-members are small business owners, maintaining a practice and supporting an office staff of fewer than 20 persons.
LaFJ and its members pledge to promote justice for the workplace, a clean environment, and quality and affordable health care for all Americans. LaFJ members and trial lawyers, in general, seek fairness in the courts for the aggrieved and injured. LaFJ members and trial lawyers, in general, seek to uphold the honor and dignity of the civil justice system and the legal profession.
As student members of LaFJ, we are provided with an opportunity to network with attorney members and gain from their trial experience. Student members are allowed to post resumes on the official LaFJ website, further providing potential employment possibilities. Student membership allows access to members of the judiciary and legislature through LaFJ sponsored events. Our annual crawfish boil in the Spring is a favorite of students and LaFJ attorney members alike. The speaker series allows for information to be given to the student members that is both informative and practical.
The SULC – LaFJ Chapter is a unique opportunity for law students to network with prominent trial attorneys and noted elected officials of our State. Our Chapter is devoted to introducing student members to members of the Bar and to inform them of developing issues within the legal profession.
Maritime Law Society
Southern University Maritime Law Society (“SUMLS”) is a student organization intent on providing law students with access and information regarding the field of maritime and admiralty law.
SUMLS promotes and encourages the study and implementation of maritime and admiralty law through meetings, lectures, networking, and on-site visitations to give students a holistic perspective of maritime law.
For more information contact:
National Black Law Students Association
Membership in the Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) is open to all law students who wish to become acquainted with the interests, purposes, and goals of the Association. NBLSA is concerned with the needs and interests of law students, encouragement of professional competence, the relationship between black attorneys and the legal system, and utilizing the skills of black attorneys in dealing with problems of the community.
For additional information contact:
National Website:
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International
Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) is the world’s largest professional legal fraternity serving the student, the Law Center, and the profession and dedicated to the ideals of community service. Its goal is to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar. The International organization offers professional programs, student loans, job preparation, job placement assistance, insurance programs, quarterly publication, conventions, awards, and lifetime friendships.
Phi Alpha Delta is open to all students interested in pursuing their leadership and speaking abilities and desiring to excel in the legal profession.
For additional information contact:
National Website:
Public Interest Law Society
The Public Interest Law Society provides students with a means to get involved with other students who share an interest in providing legal services for those who are traditionally underrepresented. The members are interested in contributing to the Law Center’s mission of providing legal services to those who are not being served by the legal profession. The group seeks to encourage and facilitate activities and the exchange of ideas who promote public service in the legal profession.
Real Estate Law Society
The Real Estate Law Society is a professional student organization dedicated to serving its members, Southern University Law Center, and the surrounding community. Our mission is to provide our member with opportunities to explore real estate legal interests with practical, live examples including, but not limited to, interacting with real estate attorneys and other professionals involved in land use, financing, investment, litigation, policy, and development. All activities and functions of the Real Estate Law Society shall be legal under University, local, state, and federal laws.
For additional information contact:
Sports and Entertainment Legal Association
The Sports and Entertainment Legal Association (SELA) was formed in August of 1993 to provide an arena of exchange for Southern University Law Center students and other students at the University who are interested in careers in sports and entertainment law. The organization’s objectives include providing a network of information about professional opportunities within sports and entertainment law; forming a liaison between the newly proposed Sports and the Law curriculum at Southern University’s Law Center and students; and providing interaction with professionals in various aspects of the sports and entertainment industries.
For additional information contact:
Student Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The Southern Student Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is an affiliated student chapter of the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, whose purpose is to protect those rights guaranteed by the state and federal constitutions, promoting truth, justice, and the common good.
State Website:
Student Trial Lawyer’s Association
Student trial lawyers provide a venue whereby members are immersed in the art of trial advocacy. Southern Student Trial Lawyers Association’s commitment to excellence keeps the membership focused on providing the legal profession highly trained and ethically sound trial lawyers.
Thurgood Marshall Club
By cultivating the principles of ethics and moral characters in its members, the Thurgood Marshall Club increases the possibilities for success for law graduates entering the legal field. Members focus on their professional and social growth in becoming upstanding citizens who accept the challenge to give freely of their time to those in need.
Veterans Organization
The Veterans Law Organization’s (VLO) mission is to honor and support veterans of all generations through advocacy, education, and community service. We provide community awareness about veterans’ issues and advocate for solutions with the proper governmental agency. The VLO also provides a support community for veterans, their families, and their supporters across Southern University by establishing a network of students, professors and faculty to assist incoming veteran students with issues and concerns. The VLO will work closely with the Veterans Law Clinic to provide another opportunity for students to be better equipped to start practicing veteran’s law immediately after graduation.
For additional information contact:
Women In Law
Women In Law, a national organization of female attorneys and female law students, is dedicated to providing female law students with a smooth transition from the study of law to the practice of law. The organization’s major goal is to serve as a network of support for aspiring female law students in establishing professional contact with female attorneys. The Southern University Law Center Chapter of Women in Law was established in the fall of 1984 and strives to ensure academic excellence and political and social involvement of female law students through programs that consider their special needs. Membership in the organization is open to all female law students who are concerned with the advancement of women in the legal profession.
National Website: