Under a cross-registration agreement between the Southern University Law Center and the Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center, eligible students enrolled in either school may enroll in one course per semester at the other school. Students may earn up to a total of 12 hours through cross registration. Cross registration grades will be posted as pass/fail and count against the 16 hours of visiting credits students are permitted to take while continuing to meet residency requirements.
To be eligible to cross register, students must successfully complete 24 hours of course work at the Southern University Law Center and be in good standing. Full-time students must enroll for at least 12 credit hours, part-time students must enroll for at least eight credit hours, and students enrolled during the summer must enroll for at least four credit hours at the Southern University Law Center.
Only those students who meet one of the following exceptions may cross register for courses that are required for graduation at SULC.
A student who has taken and failed a required course at the Southern University Law Center may cross register to take the failed course at LSU during the next following semester or session if the course is not offered at SULC that semester or session.
A student who will have otherwise met all of the requirements for graduation in a given semester may cross register for a course required for graduation if that course is not offered at SULC during their final semester before graduation.
A student who completes coursework at LSU may receive course credit only for those courses in which the student receives a grade of “C” or better on a letter grade scale or 2.0 or better on a 4.0 grade scale. A grade that meets the requirements above will be recorded on the student’s SULC transcript as a pass. A grade that does not meet these requirements will be posted on the student’s transcript as a fail.
Applications for cross registration are available under forms on the Records & Registration page.