Students Visiting Other Schools
A student may receive a maximum of 16 credit hours for coursework completed at another law school as a visiting student.
To be eligible to take a course at another ABA accredited law school, a student must have completed 24 credit hours at SULC and be in good standing. A student will not receive credit for visiting at another law school on any dates that coincide, in whole or in part, with an SULC academic semester or session in which the student is otherwise enrolled.
A student who wishes to enroll at another law school shall complete an Application to Visit another Law School, avail- able from the SULC Department of Records and Registration, no fewer than four weeks prior to the commencement of the pertinent Academic Session. No credit will be given for any coursework completed at another school without the prior approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. Students should be forewarned that while some courses of study may meet the academic quality and integrity standards of SULC, there may be others that fall below the standards of this institution and will not be approved. The Law Center’s previous approval of a student’s participation in a course is not an assurance that the Law Center will continue to approve the requested course.
Visiting at International Law Schools
A student may receive a maximum of 16 credit hours for coursework completed as a visiting student at a law school outside of the United States.
To be eligible to enroll as a visiting student at an international law school a student must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours at SULC and be in good standing. A student will not receive credit for visiting at an international law school on any dates that coincide, in whole or in part, with an SULC academic semester or session in which the student is otherwise enrolled.
A student who wishes to enroll in a international law school shall complete an Application to Visit Another Law School no fewer than four weeks prior to the commencement of the pertinent Academic Session. All applications must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. Students should be forewarned that while some courses of study may meet the academic quality and integrity standards of SULC, there may be others that fall below the standards of this institution and will not be approved. The Law Center’s previous approval of a student’s participation in a course is not an assurance that the Law Center will continue to approve the requested course.