Reciprocity Policy
The reciprocity policy at Southern University Law Center (SULC) concerning the use of the Office of Career Services by students and graduates from other law schools is as follows:
- The Career Services Office is available to all students and graduates from other ABA-accredited law schools that permit SULC students and graduates the same opportunity.
- There is no limit on the number of referrals that the Career Counseling Office will take from a particular law school.
- Requests for reciprocity must be made in writing by the student’s/graduate’s law school and received in advance of any service being extended to that student/graduate. Reciprocity will be granted for a six-month period. Requests may be sent via email to Ms. Tiffany Rainey at
- The Career Counseling Office is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
The following services are available:
- Students/alumni will have access to job postings, resource materials and handouts. Reciprocity does not include participation in any interview programs or job fairs. Individual counseling is available by request.
- Students/alumni will be placed on the on-line career center, Symplicity, to review job postings for their personal use only, and not to be shared with other non-reciprocal students/alumni.
Reciprocity will be granted for a six-month period with the exception of Fall OCI, between August 1 and October 31.
The Career Counseling Office reserves the right to terminate reciprocity privileges of individuals who violate these regulations or misuse our facilities and services.