These awards are offered annually, based funding and availability.
Law Center Scholarships
The Law Center awards entering first-year students with scholarships based upon their undergraduate record and other substantive factors.
100,000 Challenge Scholarship Fund
American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE) Scholarship and Leadership Award
A graduating student who receives free tuition to an ALI CLE webcast or on-location course of his/her choice and a free one-year subscription to the ALI CLE Digital Content Library, with access to online articles, forms and course materials in her areas of interest.
American Bar Association Legal Opportunity Scholarship
The American Bar Association (ABA) awards an annual Legal Opportunity Scholarship to first-year law students. The mission of the program is to encourage racial and ethnic minority students to apply to law school and to provide financial assistance to attend and completing law school. The ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship grants 10 - 20 incoming diverse law students with $15,000 of financial aid over their three years in law school. Since its inception, more than 400 students from across the country have received the ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship.
For further information, go to:
The Ancestors of DeAnna Lynne Brown Scholarship
- The scholarship award is $500. It will be given annually in the fall semester starting with the 2023 Fall semester.
- Applicants should submit a short essay discussing why they should be considered for this scholarship, including what it means to give back to society and how they intend to accomplish this.
- The recipient can be a 1L, 2L or 3L.
- If a student is a recipient of the scholarship in one year, that student can reapply for the scholarship the next year.
- The recipient should have a 2.0 GPA are higher.
- The student should be involved in community service work.
- The student may be either traditional or nontraditional.
- The applicant can be either full or part time day or evening.
- The recipient should be African American.
- The donor, not the Scholarship Committee, will select the recipient.
Ariel Harris Bar Preparation Scholarship
The “Ariel Harris Bar Prep Award Scholarship” is funded by SULC alumna Attorney Ariel Harris. The scholarship is in the amount of $250 to be awarded to up to three individuals in the spring of every other year.
Scholarship Criteria:
- The scholarship will be awarded to a nontraditional student (someone who is working his/her way through school or worked in the work force and is now in law school).
- The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- The student must be a graduating 3L or graduating evening student.
The student must submit a one-page essay explaining what his/her greatest hardship was while matriculating through law school and how they overcame it.
Arnold & Iktin LLP Scholarship
- The scholarship is for $5,000 and will be awarded in the fall semester of each academic year.
- The applicant must submit a resume’.
- An unofficial transcript must be submitted by the applicant.
- The applicant must submit a typed statement of their career aspirations, focusing on their interest in personal injury litigation and why they would make a great trial lawyer. The statement should not be longer than two pages. The statement should identify specific attributes they possess, relevant life experiences, and activities (both practical and academic) that reinforce their desire to practice personal injury law and help others.
- The applicant should be a full-time 1L or 2L student.
- A student who has been awarded the scholarship one year, can reapply and possibly receive the scholarship the next year.
- The applicant must be ranked in the top 25% of their class.
Association of Corporate Counsel of America – Louisiana Chapter Scholarship
Formerly: Corporate and Business Law Excellence Award
This award is given to a student at the end of his/her second year who has taken two or more business law courses, with the highest grade point average in the business law course. Funds from the award will support tuition and fees for the third year of matriculation for the recipient.
Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association Scholarship
Historically Black Law School Scholarship Program: Annually, BESLA awards a scholarship to one student at each of the nation’s historically black laws schools. These schools are:
- Florida A&M University School of Law
- Howard University School of Law
- North Carolina Central University School of Law
- Southern University Law Center
- Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University
- University of the District of Columbia-David A. Clark School of Law
Each candidate must be a minority student enrolled in law school on a full-time basis. The candidate must have completed at least one (1) full year of law school at an accredited law school. The candidate must have a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.8 and meet two or more of the following requirements:
- Completed an intellectual property, sports and/or entertainment law course
- Completed an internship in sports, entertainment, or related field including, but not limited to new media, digital media, legislative affairs related to the sports/entertainment/related industries, intellectual property
- Is a member in good standing of the school’s sports and entertainment club
Requirements - Submit electronically:
- a letter of interest (no more than one page)
- a scholarship application
- a one (1) page resume and bio not to exceed 250 words
- a business/professional headshot
- a written recommendation from the Dean of your law school.
Brady, Baudin, McKernan and Pendley Civil Rights Law and Public Service Endowed Scholarship
The Brady, Baudin, McKernan, and Pendley Civil Rights Law and Public Service Endowed Scholarship is awarded to select second- and third-year law students who exhibit an interest in civil rights law and public service. Scholarship applicants must be second or third-year law students who are in good standing with the law school and who demonstrate an interest in civil rights law and public service. The recipients, the amount of the scholarship, and the number of scholarships awarded will be determined by the donors.
Breazeale Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. Scholarship
- The recipient will be an entering 1L student
- The scholarship will be awarded to a student who is demographically underrepresented in the practice of law
- The recipient will be chosen from their application and not their first-year grades
- The award will be $2000 for the Fall semester and $2000 for the Spring semester
- The recipient must maintain proper academic standing of no less than a 2.8 GPA for the Fall semester to get the scholarship for the Spring semester
- The recipient of the scholarship shall be a full-time student and an in-state resident
The scholarship shall terminate if the recipient fails to remain enrolled full-time, in good standing and making satisfactory academic progress, or if the recipient is placed on disciplinary probation. At the conclusion of the recipient’s 1L year, the scholarship will be given to a new 1L student for the next fall semester.
CALI Excellence for the Future Award
CALI recognizes the student that has earned the highest grade in each course.
CAMI Scholarship
- Student must plan to return to Georgia to practice and provide proof of registration for the Georgia Bar exam.
- Student must be a graduating 3L or 4L student, with at least a 3.0 GPA.
Background info:
CAMI stands for Candace Anderson Mystery Illness. The Fortson family started a small scholarship foundation back in 2009 (CAMI Foundation) in honor of Professor Fortson's sister who was diagnosed with a mystery illness and fought extremely hard to go to college as a pre-med student. She was admitted to Mercer with a scholarship, but she lost her hearing, sight, ability to speak and move, during her first semester and never finished.
Chancellor’s Circle Scholarship
The Chancellor’s Circle Scholarship is awarded to second and third year students who demonstrate a seriousness of purpose to the legal profession through professionalism, law school and community service, academic achievement and strong moral character. Full-time day students who have a cumulative law school grade point average of 2.5 or greater, demonstrate financial need and possess the qualities stated above may apply for the scholarship. Interested students must submit an SULC Scholarship Application, a letter of application and law school transcript to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
Charles and Patty Donegan Scholarship
The name of the scholarship would be the Charles and Patty Donegan Civil Rights Scholarship. The scholarship would be given annually as follows:
- The recipient has to be African American
- The recipient has to have interest in or is working with Civil Rights work
- The recipient has completed the 1st year of law school and has a 2.5 grade point average
- The recipient can be a 2L or 3L law student
- If a recipient receives the scholarship as a 2L, they can reapply for the scholarship as a 3L if they keep the 2.5 grade average and possibly get the scholarship again as a 3L
- 1st choice for the recipient is to be from Louisiana, but if no one qualifies from Louisiana the recipient can be from any state.
Chauntelle R. Wood Scholarship
- High achieving minority woman with a GPA of 3.4 or above;
- The recipient is an out-of-state student;
- The recipient is active in the community, or active ROTC, or a veteran of the military that has demonstrated interest in being a litigator;
- The scholarship will be awarded in the Spring semester in the amount of $500;
- Student is a 2L;
- Short Essay: Describe the area of law you intend to pursue and why you selected this area;
- Ms. Woods will pick the recipient from the applicants that have applied.
Please include a photo with your application.
Cicardo Awards
The Cicardo Awards were established by contributions from the Cicardo family, whose members consist of five alumni. The awards are for: Most Effective Clinical Education Student; Student with the Highest Grade Point Average in the First-Year Class; Student with the Highest Grade Point Average in the Second-Year Class; Best Oral Advocate in Moot Court Competition, and Best Law Review Article.
Class of 2002 Scholarship
Council on Legal Education Opportunity
Twenty-four of the 40 CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute applicants selected will be awarded $2500 to attend the nation’s most respected and recognized organization supporting diversity in legal education. These students will attend a summer boot camp “immersion” experience which will get students ready because it simulates the first year of law school and gives them confidence. Visit for scholarship information and for information on the Pre-Law Summer Institute.
DeAnna Lynne Brown Scholarship
- The scholarship award is $500. It will be given annually in the fall semester starting with the 2023 Fall semester.
- Applicants should submit a short essay discussing why they should be considered for this scholarship, including what it means to give back to society and how they intend to accomplish this.
- The recipient can be a 1L, 2L or 3L.
- If a student is a recipient of the scholarship in one year, that student can reapply for the scholarship the next year.
- The recipient should have a 2.0 GPA are higher.
- The student should be involved in community service work.
- The student may be either traditional or nontraditional.
- The applicant can be either full or part time day or evening.
- The recipient should be African American.
- The donor, not the Scholarship Committee, will select the recipient.
Diangelo Frazer Scholarship
Candidates must be enrolled on a full time basis during an academic year; possess a minimum GPA 2.8; demonstrate an interest in higher education, leadership, and service.
Application Process
- Submit a cover letter (must articulate achievements in higher education, leadership, and service) and resume.
- Law school transcript.
- Three (3) references: academic, employment, personal)
Two (2) letters of recommendation (Academic/Leadership/Service).
Donald North Book Scholarship
Dr. Harriet A. Pitcher Grant
Earl Warren Stipends
The Earl Warren Scholarship is named for the Honorable Earl Warren, the 14th Chief Justice of the United States and former Governor of California whose stewardship of the Warren Court helped end school segregation and transform America’s legal landscape.
In honor of his memory, the Earl Warren Scholarship is awarded annually to rising law students whose commitment to racial justice reveals outstanding potential for training as civil rights and public interest attorneys. Eligible law students include those entering their first or second year of full-time legal study at an accredited law school.
Earl Warren Scholars are Given Two Unique Opportunities
LDF’s Earl Warren Scholarship awards are $10,000 per year for three years (as long as scholars remain in good academic standing and continue to meet the scholarship criteria) for a total of $30,000. In addition to financial assistance, Earl Warren scholars are given two unique opportunities: (1) an LDF internship, externship, or guided research project—competitive positions that are sought out by dozens of students every year, and (2) an invitation to LDF’s Civil Rights Training Institute, an invitation-only annual civil rights conference that brings together civil rights advocates, scholars, and attorneys to discuss strategies and to network. Final decisions are made by the first week of August. All applicants will be notified of their status.
Eddie M. Clark Scholarship
- The scholarship will be awarded to two recipients for $1000 each.
- One of the recipients of the scholarship will be from north Louisiana
- Recipients should have a 3.0 GPA or higher
- Recipients will be 2L students
- An essay on why the recipient should be considered for the award and why giving back to others is important
This scholarship will be awarded in the Spring for the next 5 years starting in 2025.
Elaine Simmons Scholarship
Elizabeth A.B. Goree, Esq. Bar Prep Scholarship
- Non-traditional student-A non-traditional student for the purposes of this scholarship is one who entered into law school after their 25th birthday; and/or are an evening student.
- Preparing to take a Bar exam in any state in July (Sept.)
- The graduating student should write a brief essay, not to exceed one page explaining how they meet the aforementioned criteria and why this award would be beneficial to them.
The award is $250 per student. The award should either be paid directly to the student, or directly to one of the following Bar Prep Programs: Barbri, Kaplan or Adaptibar.
Gail N. McKay Southern University Law Center Scholarship - $3,000
- The recipient must be African American.
- The recipient must have received his/her undergraduate degree from an HBCU.
- Submit a five-hundred-word essay on how attending an HBCU has impacted your life.
- Complete a scholarship application form.
- Submit three letters of recommendation.
Herschel and Charlotte Richard Scholarships
These scholarships are established in memory of Herschel and Charlotte Richard by their sons, Retired-Professor Thomas E. Richard and Herschel E. Richard, Jr., a Shreveport attorney. Two $500 need-based scholarships are awarded in the fall semester of each academic year; one each to a deserving second and third year student who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Preference shall be given to married students from Webster, Bossier, and Caddo parishes. Interested students must submit an SULC scholarship application, an application letter and an official law school transcript to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
Jennifer Ashley Mitchell-Carter Memorial Scholarship
- The scholarship award is $1000 each year;
- Applicants must summit a resume;
- An essay, no more than 500 words, should be submitted on “What does advocacy mean to you in our modern society;”
- The applicant should be a 3L with a GPA of 2.8 or higher;
- The applicant needs to be involved in community service work;
- The scholarship will be awarded in the Spring semester;
- The recipient of this scholarship should be a traditional student;
- The recipient should be a full-time student, in-state and, female
- Once the applicants have applied, please send all information to Jennifer Gail Walker
Judge Alvin B. Rubin Memorial Scholarship
The Judge Alvin B. Rubin Memorial scholarship is funded through the Federal Bench Bar Fund. The scholarship is meant to assist law students who are academically sound and demonstrate financial need. It is awarded each year to second-semester first-year students. To earn the scholarship a student must have achieved a minimum 3.0 grade point average, demonstrated leadership qualities, integrity and professionalism; and show an economic need. Interested first-year students must submit an SULC Scholarship Application, an application letter, official law school transcript and two letters of reference to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
Judge Zorraine M. Waguespack
The Judge Zorraine Waguespack Scholarship awards a $1,000 scholarship to an outstanding non-traditional female student in the spring semester. Applicants must have a 3.0 or greater grade point average, and demonstrate strong leadership and moral qualities. Interested students must submit an SULC Scholarship Application, an application letter and an official law school transcript to the Vice Chancellor for Affairs.
Kean Miller Scholarship
The scholarship award is $2,500 a semester and will be awarded for the spring and the fall semester.
- The scholarship will go to a student who is a full -time 1L or full – time 2L student in good standing with the university.
- This scholarship will be awarded based on academic achievement and financial need. (Attach a copy of your transcript.)
- The student should exhibit exemplary leadership abilities.
- The award will go to a student that is historically and demographically underrepresented in the practice of law.
Law Center Assistance Awards
Depending upon the availability of funds, a student may apply for assistance. An applicant has to be in good academic standing with a demonstrated financial need. Eligibility for financial aid and academic standing must be determined before consideration for the award.
Law Center Scholarships
Law Center Merit Scholarship
The Law Center awards scholarships to students who are in the top five percent (5%) of the class ranking after their first full year of matriculation. Students who are interested in receiving a merit scholarship must submit:
- A written request by the end of the second week of his/her third semester to the Records and Registration Department.
- The award is based on merit and character.
A student who received a Law Center scholarship when he/she entered law school is NOT eligible to receive the merit scholarship.
Louis A. Martinet Legal Society Greater New Orleans Chapter Scholarship
The Greater New Orleans Chapter of the Louis A. Martinet Legal Society awards an annual scholarship to one law student based upon scholastic achievement and need.
Professor Nadia E. Nedzel Scholarship
- The scholarship will go to a non-traditional student.
- A student can apply for the scholarship after two semesters of law school.
- The recipient should have the mostimproved GPA after two semesters of law school.
- Write a short essay addressing the challenges the student faced and what they did to improve their GPA.
Amount of Award: $1,000
Rideaux/Exxon Scholarship
A qualified second or third year student will receive a $1,000 scholarship to assist with the cost of tuition, fees or expenses. A 2.5 grade point average or higher, at least 30 hours of course credits, and financial need are the eligibility requirements for the scholarship. The recipient must also be a person of strong ethical values and has shown a commitment to community service. Interested students must submit an SULC Scholarship Application, an application letter and an official law school transcript to the Vice Chancellor for Affairs.
Roach Family Financial Need Scholarship
In honor of Larry A. Roach, Sr. and Dorothy C. Roach, the Roach Law Firm has funded a need-based scholarship for law students who are from southwest Louisiana (Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Evangeline, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, or Vermilion Parish). Five scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded.
Robin Raasch Book Scholarship
The “Robin Raasch Book Award Scholarship” is funded by SULC alum Attorney Robin Raasch. The $500 scholarship will be awarded each spring semester for the next eleven (11) years.
- The scholarship will be awarded to a nontraditional female student (someone who is working her way through school or worked in the workforce and is now in law school).
- Can be a day or evening student.
- The student must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- The student can be a 1L, 2L, or 3L.
Application Process:
- Submit a biography addressing the scholarship criteria and explain why you believe you should receive the award.
- Submit a resume.
- Submit a transcript.
- Submit a writing sample.
SULC Law Center Scholarship
The Law Center awards entering first-year students with scholarships based upon their undergraduate record, demonstrated need, and other substantive factors.
SULC Private Law Center Scholarship
Timothy L. Spears Memorial Scholarship
- There will be two (2) scholarships given and each scholarship award will be in the amount of $1500,
- The scholarship will be awarded for any bar prep review course,
- The recipient can be a 2L or 3L,
- The recipient should have a financial need and be a disadvantaged student,
- The recipient should be a 1st generation law student.
- Applicants must submit at least a 250-word essay on why they should receive the scholarship based on their financial need and being a disadvantaged student.
US Middle District Court of Louisiana Judges’ Memorial Scholarship
3.0 GPA required. Financial Need.
William S. Mayfield Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships are given in the name of William S. Mayfield, a past professor at Southern University Law Center. The number of scholarships and amount are determined by funds on hand. The recipients of the William S. Mayfield scholarship must demonstrate strong moral character and his/her law school grades must indicate a commitment to academic excellence. Preference for the scholarship is given to students with an undergraduate degree in math and/or students who are currently enlisted in the military or have made a commitment to enlist in the military. Interested students must submit an SULC Scholarship Application, an application letter and an official law school transcript to the Vice Chancellor for Affairs.
Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith Commitment to Diversity Scholarship
- The scholarship is for $5000.
- Recipient must:
- Be a current SULC student,
- Have a minimum law school GPA of 3.0,
- Have demonstrated a commitment to social justice, human rights, women's rights, or civil rights advocacy,
- Have demonstrated a commitment to the promotion of or advocacy for diversity, equity, and inclusion,
- Have demonstrated a dedication to public service while possessing strong character and leadership abilities.
- The scholarship is available to 1L's (entering the second semester of the 1L year), 2L's or 3L's (as long as the 3L student has another semester to use the scholarship) students; and
- The applicant must complete a scholarship application form and provide:
- An essay describing in 500 words or less how they have demonstrated a commitment to diversity, social justice, human rights, women’s rights, or civil rights.
- A transcript.
- Three letters of recommendation.
Other Available Scholarships
From time to time the Law Center receives request and information concerning other available scholarships and aid. Additional opportunities will be emailed to students as they become available.