Pro Bono Incentives
Students perform pro bono work out of a sense of social responsibility and community commitment. Nevertheless, when students report services rendered, they become eligible for a number of honors. These honors are simply a mechanism to recognize and provide continued motivation for those who give so much and expect so little. Students can be featured the Pro Bono Project’s social media pages for their outstanding service as well as earn a graduation stole. The biggest incentive that we offer students is a Pro Bono graduation stole. A Pro Bono Project stole is a unique item that students can wear in addition to their other graduation regalia that signifies to others that they have completed extensive amounts of pro bono work. This is a distinct honor that are bestowed upon students that meet the requirements listed below.
In order to earn a graduation stole students must:
- Earn a minimum of 300 hours
- 125 of these hours must come from Pro Bono Project sponsored events/programs
Students are responsible for properly recording and reporting their own volunteer hours. Currently there is an online banking system in place on our organization’s TWEN page that allows students to submit their hours. The hours are totaled digitally and reported monthly to our sponsor, Vice Chancellor Donald W. North, by the Pro Bono Project Coordinator.