Pro Bono Overview

The Southern University Law Center has been involved in pro bono work for almost 40 years and is committed to pro bono services as a fundamental aspect of preparing future lawyers. This program supplements the Law Center’s tradition of integrating classroom experiences with the real-world workplace. These services play a critical role in shaping professional values and creating an environment that instills a sense of moral responsibility in all students. The Law Center has set out to create a pipeline of students committed to a lifetime of pro bono services.
The mission of the Southern University Law Center Pro Bono Project is to provide students high quality, academically-enriching opportunities for practical experience in the legal profession. The Pro Bono Project will provide valuable work at no cost to individuals in need in furtherance of the Law Center’s mission.
Pro bono work often benefits those individuals who cannot afford to secure quality representation in the costly legal system. Additionally, non-profit agencies and legal service providers, who often work with small budgets, rely on pro bono services to help so that they can continue to meet their clients’ needs. Pro bono programs rely on engaged volunteers to ensure those in need of legal services are not denied those services because of lack of financial resources. By engaging in this program, students will be able to provide and assist in those in the community who need legal services.
We encourage everyone to participate. Students are asked to get involved in the Pro Bono Project the spring semester of their first year of law school.
The mission of the Southern University Law Center Pro Bono Project is to provide students high-quality, academically-enriching opportunities for practical experience in the legal profession. The Pro Bono Project will provide valuable work at no cost to individuals in need in furtherance of the Law Center’s mission. The Pro Bono Project is also dedicated to assisting and creating programs that benefit the community.
Benefits to the Southern University Law Center:
- This level of involvement will instill a sense of professional responsibility early on in a student’s career.
- Students who participate in volunteer work will stand out from their peers that lack this experience.
- Students will develop an awareness of the needs of others and a greater understanding of the crucial roles attorneys play and the societal contributions they make.
- Students will be able to gain professional experience in the legal field to further enhance their resumes as well as strengthen their contacts to the community.
- The Pro Bono Project will substantially contribute to students’ legal education. The work that students complete in the classroom will take on a whole new meaning. Volunteer work will allow students’ legal education to become more interesting, relevant, and meaningful.
- Students will also be reminded of the original reason why they chose to attend law school and become engaged in the community.
- In addition to gaining important skills, students will be exposed to various areas of the law at a more in-depth level. Students will gain confidence by working among a diverse population while strengthening their ties to the community.
- Students will achieve personal fulfillment by giving back to those less fortunate in society.
- Not only will students develop and enhance legal practice skills, but they may be exposed to both career and advocacy opportunities.