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Kayla A. Dixon is a 3L from New Roads, Louisiana. She graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2015 where she majored in Political Science with a Pre-Law concentration and History. She has previously worked as an intern under the Acadiana Delegation of the House of Representatives at the Louisiana State Capitol, as an assistant legislative aide in Representative Vincent Pierre’s District Office, as an intern at the Baton Rouge Bar Association, as a law clerk with the East Baton Rouge Public Defender’s Office, and she currently works as a law clerk at the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Office. Previously Kayla has served as the Membership Chairman of Women in Law and the Student Bar Association’s 2L Class President. She currently serves as the SBA Vice President. Her goals after graduation are to earn her LLM in either Criminal Law or Constitutional Law. She intends to practice either Criminal, Civil Rights or Constitutional Law before making the transition to politics. She aspires to become a Judge, Governor, Congresswoman, and eventually President of the United States of America.
“For me Pro Bono means being a part of something that is bigger than myself, serving those that may be unable to help themselves, and improving the communities that I come into contact with.”
Michael R. Thomas II
Oversight Committee Chairman
Michael R. Thomas II is a 3L from Troy, Alabama. He graduated from Troy University where he majored in Criminal Justice & Legal Studies. He was previously an Intern at Bunn Law Firm, LLC. (2015-2016), a Clerk for the East Baton Rouge Public Defender's Office (2018), and a Legal Clerk at the East Baton Rouge Parish Attorney's Office (2019). Previously Michael has served as a member of the Elections Committee and he currently serves as a member of the Lecture Series Committee under the direction of Professor Angela A. Bell. Upon graduating and passing the Georgia bar exam, his goals are to practice criminal defense as well as civil rights law, and to help propose a bill to abolish felony disenfranchisement. Pro Bono was the first organization that Michael joined at SULC.
“Pro Bono is important to me because I truly value what it's done for me as a person, being able to help others, and making a difference with my actions.”
April Love
April Love
Oversight Committee
April Love is a 3L from Mississippi. She graduated from Tougaloo College, in 2015 where she majored in English. April also has her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Mississippi in 2017. Upon Graduation April plans to practice public policy, and lawmaking.
Jasmine C. Cooper
SBA Coordinator
Jasmine C. Cooper is a 3L from Shreveport, Louisiana. She graduated from Southern University and A & M College in 2017, where she majored in Political Science. Previously Jasmine has served as the Student Bar Association’s Parliamentarian; she currently serves as the SBA Treasurer. Upon graduating from Law School, Jasmine hopes to continue to serve her community and one day become a District Attorney.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Ghandi
Terry George Jr.
Terry George Jr.
3L Coordinator
Terry George Jr. a 3L is from Mobile, Alabama. He graduated from The University of South Alabama in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy and a minor in Political Science. Previously TJ has served as a member of the Elections Committee. He currently serves as the President of Christians at Law. Upon graduation he would like to continue his legal career by returning home and working as a Prosecutor.
Mikel Marish
Mikel Marish
Group Project Coordinator
Mikel Marish is a 3L from Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Southern University and A&M College in 2016 where she majored in Political Science. Mikel has been a part of Pro Bono for two years and has a passion for community service. Upon Graduating from law school, she hopes to become a prosecutor then later become a defense attorney. Mikel’s ultimate goal is to become a Judge.
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Alexis Doss
Alexis Doss
Public Relations Coordinator
Alexis Doss is a 2L from New Orleans, Louisiana. She graduated from Southern University and A&M College in 2017 where she majored in Political Science. After graduation from law school, Alexis plans to become a criminal prosecutor and eventually join the Air Force Jag Corp.