Disaster Response
Southern University remains committed to delivering quality legal services to our low-income communities. As indicated by the CDC, this pandemic is expected to spread, peak and then subside. During the time period of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that necessary steps be taken to secure the safety of all to reduce the spread of the virus. Therefore, it is necessary the following steps be taken immediately to continue services and mitigate the risk of spread.
- Our office hours are from 9-5. All intake will be conducted over the phone and not in person. To apply for legal services, you may visit the SULC Website and click on “Law Clinics” or find and additional link at the bottom of the page allowing access to clinics. To find out the status of your case, you may call our office number (225) 771-3333 or (225) 465-5700, or contact us directly on-line at clinicapplications@sulc.edu. Please refrain from visiting our offices.
- Our offices will remain open to the public with over the phone communication and not in-person communication. We will contact you if an in-person meeting is needed. If you are a client and need to check on the status of your case, you may contact our office at the email address or phone number listed above. A member of our staff will contact you and forward you message to the appropriate person for follow-up.
- Our Disaster Legal Clinic is in operation to assist the community by providing resource information and provide updates as more facts become available.
- We recommend the preventive measures from the CDC such as hand washing and social distancing to prevent the spread of this highly, contagious and dangerous virus.
The Disaster Relief Clinic provides student attorneys training in substantive, procedural and practical advocacy skills. Student attorneys assist clinic clients with legal matters associated with obtaining relief measures/recovery assistance resulting from natural disasters.
Areas of Assistance include:
- Registration with Federal and State government aid groups;
- Administrative Appeals
- Public Benefit Assistance
- Consumer & Financial Workshops
- Community Outreach Programs
For further information and assistance contact Professor Alycia Grace-O’Bear, at agrace-obear@sulc.edu or 225-771-3333 or 225-465-5700.