Louis A. Berry Institute for Civil Rights and Justice at SULC in partnership with #JJRAIC, held an informative and thought proving chat about the complexities of the redistricting process and the implications for fair representation.
The conversation shed light on the process of redrawing congressional districts and its consequences for the political landscape.

The executive interns of the Juvenile Justice Reform Act Implementation Commission (JJRAIC) hosted an emergency student summit that addressed need for reform in Louisiana's juvenile justice system. The meeting was organized to create more awareness and #advocacy around #criminaljustice reforms.
Senator Royce Duplessis, (District 5), chairperson of the Juvenile Justice Reform Implementation Act Commission, spoke to Southern University Law Center students about the recent special session on crime. He highlighted the importance of voting and taking on different roles in policy making, advocacy, and litigation to combat harmful bills.
Gina Womack, assistant chairperson for #JJRAIC, joined the conversation to place emphasis on justice reinvestment, along with JJRAIC board member, Tracie Woods, who shed light on the work that commission is doing.
We strongly encourage voting to fight against issues related to the criminal justice system. #SULC